Opinion on relationship especially proof of marriage (Section50)The problems of judicial defense to expert testimonyDying Declaration4. ORAL AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE &EXPERTS EVIDENCE:General principles concerning oral evidence (Section 59-60)General Principles concerning Documentary Evidence (Section 67-90)General Principles Regarding Exclusion of Oral by DocumentaryEvidence Special problems re-hearing evidenceGeneral PrinciplesTypes of expert evidence 52 ADMISSIONS AND CONFESSIONS :General principals concerning admission (Section 17,23)Differences between \"admission \" and \"confession\"The problems of non - admissibility of confessions caused by \"anyinducement, threat of promise \" (Section 24)Inadmissibility of confession made before a police officer(Section25)Admissibility of custodial confessions (Section 26)Admissibility of \"information\" received from accused person incustody with special reference to the problem of discovery basedon\"Joint statement \" (Section 27 )Confession by co-accused (Section 30)The problems with the judicial action based on a \"retractedconfession”3. CENTRAL CONCEPTIONS IN LAW OF EVIDENCEFacts : Section 3 definition : distinction - relevant facts/facts inissueEvidence : Oral and documentar圜ircumstantial evidence and direct evidencePresumption (Section 4)\"Proving\" \"Not providing\" and \"Disproving\"WitnessAppreciation of evidence 51Ģ.

The concepts brought in byamendments to the law of evidence are significant parts of study inthis course.SYLLABUS :1. The art of examination and cross-examination and cross-examination and the shifting nature ofburder of proof are crucial topics. The subject seeks to impart to the student the skillsof examination and appreciation of oral and documentary evidencein order to find out the both. This paper enables the student toappreciate the concepts and principles underlying the law ofevidence and identify the recognized forms of evidence and itssources. It imparts credibility to the adjudicatoryprocess by indicating the degree of veracity to be attributed to'facts' before the forum. PAPER-502 ECLLAW OF EVIDENCELAW 502 ECL LAW OF EVIDENCE 4 CREDITSOBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE:The law of evidence, is an indispensable part of both substantiveand Procedural laws. New Horizons in Criminology by Barnes and Tetters.Pioneers in Criminology edited by Minnhein.Criminology : ahmad SiddiqueCriminology and Penology : Prof N.V.Paranjape 50